

All successful writers incite resonance in their readers. They may not be consciously aware of what they’re doing–or even know the meaning of the word–but they wouldn’t be successful otherwise. In this blog post, I’ll try my best to define what resonance is, why it’s so important and how you can implement it to affect readers so deeply that your stories will stick with them for years to come. DefinitionResonance is “drawing power from...

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Walking, Thinking, and Being Bored

Brainstorming is that chaotic first step where writers ask themselves the almighty question: what do I want to write? We sometimes get these answers when we least expect them as flashes of insight, glimpses of scenes that seem so perfect that you can’t help but get excited about them. But these eureka moments are few and far between. What if there was a way, a process or a ritual in which you could consistently...

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Copyediting is a process—for some authors, an ordeal—that is often misunderstood. Whereas editing involves matters of story structure, scene pacing and character elements, copyediting focuses on prose. Copyeditors strive to clarify sentences by fixing spelling and grammar mistakes, cutting down excess words and getting rid of all those, unnecessary, commas. While compared to the romantically-minded author they may seem more machine than man, copyeditors help reduce reader confusion and offer a pair of fresh...

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SoH 4 Achievement Guide

The fourth book in the series was quite the emotional ride, wasn’t it? As far as difficulty goes, it’s really not that bad. The biggest issue is that for the majority of the story, players are unable to see their attunement scores. Though there is no incentive for getting 100% attunement, that won’t stop some people! A general guide for getting a high attunement score is this: if there are three choices, usually one...

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Samurai of Hyuga Book 4 Released!

Samurai of Hyuga Book 4 has been released! Check out it’s page here! This one was a real monster. It’s the largest and longest project I’ve ever worked on: 385,000 words of the most intense and dramatic interactive fiction I could dream up! Though it wasn’t dreams but hard work and a ton of outlining that saw me through to the end. That and the very encouraging patrons on my patreon! Thanks to them,...

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Samurai of Hyuga Book 4 Demo

  Samurai of Hyuga Book 4 is the hair-raising sequel to the interactive tale you just can’t quit. The journey continues in the land of silk and steel, where fantasy and reality clash and tough choices are yours alone to make.     You may be the toughest ronin around, but even you aren’t prepared for what’s next. This demo contains the first five chapters of the story. They are part of the fourth book in...

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