Samurai of Hyuga Book 4 Released!

Samurai of Hyuga Book 4 has been released! Check out it’s page here!

This one was a real monster. It’s the largest and longest project I’ve ever worked on: 385,000 words of the most intense and dramatic interactive fiction I could dream up! Though it wasn’t dreams but hard work and a ton of outlining that saw me through to the end. That and the very encouraging patrons on my patreon! Thanks to them, you’re getting the most complete story I’ve ever written filled with illustrations in every chapter and character-specific side stories, too!

If you’re interested in some behind-the-scenes insight, then keep reading! Some of these topics I’ll elaborate on in blog posts in upcoming months:

A Romance Story with Optional Romance
While Book 4 isn’t technically a romance story, it could very well trick you into thinking it was. The relationship between MC and Junko/Jun is a very complex and old one, with every reader having their own opinion and most of those opinions being emotionally-charged. It was a hell of a lot of work making it possible to love and hate such a major character, but I knew I had to make it happen.

You don’t want to know how many times I’ve had to write: *if (safeToAssumeTheMCWantsJ_BOOK4 = “true”)!

The Beat Sheet
Book 4 is 150,000 words more than Book 3. That’s insane! I would’ve gone insane myself were it not the time and effort I invested before writing page #1. I’m talking about the [Beat Sheet]. It’s application is the single greatest difference between this book and those prior. It helped me figure out and outline my most dramatic scenes; it forced me to figure out where the MC had to go and why, and all the emotional highs and lows they had to go through to get there.

The beat sheet added a ton foreshadowing to help glue scenes together, making for a smooth read and helping with setups and payoffs throughout. I never felt lost while writing, even halfway into this 385k monster! I was able to figure out my chapters (transitions) early, and this helped make each chapter end with the reader wanting more. It’s a great tool for any fiction writer!

Character Arcing
This book is about confronting the past, healing, growing and becoming something greater even amidst a world of unbelievable despair and darkness. Two of our characters get pushed beyond their limits (spoiler: they’re on the cover!) and that pushing is a very traumatic ordeal. I have never pushed characters harder than I did in this book, but there’s a reason I did it: heroes are only heroes becomes they stand up after getting beaten down.

And the greater the fall, the greater the rise!


  1. Just for confirmation-

    Book 1 Cover- MC(Male and Female)
    Book 2 – Junko(Female) and Baron
    Book 3 – Tosh(Male) and Nishi
    Book 4 – MC(Female) and Jun(Male)

    • For the cover art:
      Book 1: Male MC, Spirit World Masami (adult)
      Book 2: Female MC, Bashō (the poet)
      Book 3: Toshio, Nishi
      Book 4: Female MC, Jun

      • Always thought that it was Jun on the cover of book 1. After all, in chapter 12 in the same book, he’s described to have untamed brown hair past his schoulders and a scar down his eye

    • I’m sure a lot people have asked this question b4. But I want rlly want to know if Masami is a potential? She’s young and all but I rlly like her as an RO.

      • Masami is a potential, future RO. Because Masami is depicted as underaged, there will be no intimate scenes with her until after a timeskip in the story. Their relationship with MC can still grow in the meanwhile.

        • Is Basho a potential RO? He’s the only character in SOH that i really simp.


    Have you ever read something that brings forth so much emotion that you have to take pauses and look away from the words or fight the urge to chuck your phone across the room, read with growing horror, feel every wave of growing heartbreak and an impending sense of dread as your heart plummets and your muscles tense before that icy chill hits… and you’re left feeling hollow?

    Well sir, I have found that rare story with this one.

    I am in complete rapture by this story, and what it is, but more specifically the main character. Even more specifically – the mc and Jun.ko’s (Jun, in my case) relationship. It’s just so broken and messed up and depraved, and they’re so broken and messed up and depraved, and flawed, but they’re these little foils to one another that somehow help the other heal despite their lack of opportunity to know how, and they know one another in a way that can’t be put to words. Or, evidently I guess they can because you’ve managed to capture it.

    It’s special. So freaking special. (And for anybody reading, no it’s not healthy in a real world dynamic, but *fiction* let’s us explore the endless psyche that humans are capable of)

    When I got to the end, I knew what was happening, I knew it, but that last line really, utterly, just broke me. I could physically feel the mc’s world collapse. Everything she’s worked for with him, everything they’ve been through, everybody she’s lost – and now the one person she loves more than anything. Gone too. It hurts.

    I can only begin to imagine how completely shattered she will be, but also how far is limitless until both heaven and hell are literally ripped asunder (again) to get him back. Now she’s the one going after him, the one who is left behind, and AHH Your capabilities in story telling is something otherworldly.

    I also really love the dynamics you explored even though they may be a bit controversial for some. I don’t have an account on the forum but I like to lurk and I, iirc, think I read about how you would explore the femininity of the mc and how Jun would be the counter to this, to help her embrace it. I think it’s really rare that a story even attempts to do such, and I was really captivated by how organically you could see the MC began to change. And that you took the time for meaningful differences there.

    Going off that, though, I am also so so so so so grateful you didn’t force the female mc to become pregnant for the storyline. I was worried when I got to that part, as that is my sole story-can’t-do, but alas. I think a lot of stories that do explore “womanhood” often use that as the only possible foregone conclusion when there is and can be so much more without relying on that fallback – and you still managed to do so without relying on it by making it mandatory. It really showcases the level of writing. And, envisioning my mc from the story development, I see her as, how to put it…So in the sense that Jun wants to possess the mc soul and body, I see her (mine at least) in the same sense wanting to be possessed. Totally, completely, just Jun and Jun alone. He’s her everything even if not conscious thought. To have Jun be that, and the idea of their only two stars being the other’s family, is something poignant but beautiful in my playthrough. I can also see it that she does not want anybody, ever, being loved by Jun as much as she is, or having to fight for/share that love, and having a child would take that away.The line about the reason for wanting kids only so she has to stay with him and will never attempt to kill herself, which makes sense in the context as crazed as that is, is great for showing their “all of me is all of you” mindset. (Especially when there are also w/m and m/m possibilities of mc and Jun.ko!) . Anyways, getting off on a tangent here! Thank you again for giving us the choice, and for offering the depth of writing that even let’s us think about these things. I really am so grateful, more than I can express. I know you could have made it essential and saved yourself work, but the difference of it being a choice and non-essential has really has made this story for me going forward. Really, I’m so thankful.

    Phew, mini novel aside. As for the rest of it… I could go on and on about how much I love the pacing, or growth and plot and character development, or how the story archs play on the mc’s inner problems and crafted in a way that challenges them, or how I adore the side characters and all their interactions, but I’ll leave at this for now because I need to go sit in a corner and contemplate how I’m going to be okay until the next book and give myself time to process this abyss.

    The next few days are going to of me consistently drifting off in emotional turmoil at work, possibly frequent concerned frowns spared from my coworkers, while I ponder how I’ll function as a normal human being until the next book.

    I couldn’t be happier.

    • Thank you for such an awesome review. I’m glad you enjoyed it!

      • Thanks for the wonderful game!

        I know that the themes you chose to explore are a bit hot-button at the moment, as it will always be when you leave the realm of safe in writing and delve into heavier topics, but I appreciate it all the more because you weren’t afraid to go there, capture those thoughts, and write the story that you envisioned. It’s so very rare that happens. And fiction is a lovely art.

        Anyways, once again, thank you! I hope you are proud of your story and all it is and will become, as you should be. It might not be everybody’s cup of tea, but that doesn’t change the phenomenal quality. (And it is certainly mine!)

        I’ll stop writing essays now haha, I look forward to more of your work. 🙂

        • Thanks again for the kind words. If I have any chance of writing my best and putting out the best work I possibly can, I know that I need to be absolutely fearless. I can’t be afraid to offend someone or upset another. I’ve got to write what is true to me—it’s the only way I know to make something that resonates with fans like you.

          And I’m glad it worked!

  3. Spoilery ask just a warning:

    Hey, I wondered whether book 4 was end for Junko? Or mc’s possible relationship with her? (although it is…quite messed up relationship in my opinion, it seems to feel someways real to mc)
    I mean if it’s not too spoilery to answer

  4. Hey, I know that there is some criticism going around on the forum, but I just wanted to let you know I loved every minute of this story! And I hope you aren’t discouraged by what some people are saying and keep working on the other books!

    Thank you for releasing the book without hesitance over the possible backlash, it was great and I can’t wait for more!

    • Glad you enjoyed the story! No worries, I’m not at all discouraged by some of the feedback on the forums. I knew the story I was writing wasn’t for everyone, and it really isn’t supposed to be. To write exactly what I wanted to write allowed the story to resonate with fans like you. All according to plan!

  5. Don’t know if it’s rude of me to ask, but is the 5th book in the works? If so, do take a break and don’t stress yourself out…

    • I can wait for book 5 too LOL

  6. Recently finished two playthroughs of book 4 and in my opinion this is the best series I have read throughout choice of games and hosted games. I respect your attitude towards writing stories and appreciate your efforts in presenting the best story for your target readers. Thank you. Keep up the great work I can’t wait to read future installments and stories.

  7. I just finished book 4 and I have to say a few things:
    I have never cried at all when reading or watching anything ever, and I’ve watched and read a lot. The only exception to this is the Samurai of Hyuga series, I can proudly say that I’ve shed many tears reading each and every book, especially book 4. I’ve yet to watch or read anything that is as engaging and has such a profound effect on me as a reader. I’d like to thank you for writing these amazing pieces of IF and I’d also like to say that you are an exceptional author.
    Some comments on book 4:
    All the characters are amazing even the villains.
    I never thought I’d grow to like Basho
    Fake Jun is a gem
    the sculpture in the wolf shrine!!!!,
    Please let us have a happily ever after with our dear Juu-kun, he’s my absolute favourite plssssss.
    I also love how the ronin(MC) is characterised, their each and every emotion hits the reader like a brick especially at a certain revelation. It’s amazing how the ronin is so relatable which is often difficult to achieve in a fantasy/historical setting.
    Your writing is truly special and I hope you continue to write many great stories like the ones you’ve already written.

  8. I guess the author is the real mastermind here playing with our hearts… HE PLAYED US LIKE A DAMN FIDDLE!!!! hahhahaha bad jokes aside, love your works. Keep up the good work!

  9. Long time fan here. Amazing work as always. Youre probably the best storyteller currently writing under either COG or HOG. After seeing some criticism on the forums though I feel the need to post about certain parts of your latest great work. Just wanted to note that both the darker sides of your story and the more “perverse” elements are extremely well done and very enjoyable as they give authenticity to Hyuga, without these your story wouldnt be nearly as enjoyable. On that note thank you for your hard work and hope youre going to continue giving us great content in the next book.

  10. I enjoyed the new book and now can’t wait for book 5 to come out !!!!
    Great like always

  11. Game was an absolute gem! Good job on this one, can’t wait to see what our ronin will have to deal with next! Do we have the option of saving our files at the end on COG? I didn’t receive a prompt for it and I don’t want to import another save until I’m sure!

    • I’ve sent a couple emails to Hosted Games about the saving issue, but unfortunately I haven’t gotten a response. When I do, I’ll make sure to tweet about it. I’ll also try to remember to reply to you here!

      • I appreciate it!


    Alright, so this book was absolutely AMAZING. It was a rollercoaster through hell from start to finish. Goodness, those final pages filled me with so much hope only to bring me back to the dread of book 3’s ending, which I didn’t think could be topped! My question, tho. I had tried to romance Toshie during book 3, if I try and romance Junko during book 4, does that ruin everything? Also, at the end I didn’t find a button to save my progress for the next book, did I miss the option or is it not in the game yet?

    • No problem, Neko Arc! For romances, pursuing any character won’t lock you out of the other romances. As for saving, I’m currently trying to contact Hosted Games about it. I’ll reply again once I know more.

      • Hello I got a question tho.
        please don’t read this one if you don’t wanna get spoiled

        Is there a way where we can save Junko or its how the story ends? Like Junko sacrificing herself.

        I haven’t played all the options yet so I just wanna know if there’s a chance or specific

        • What happens to Junko/Jun at the end of the book is scripted. It does change based on whether or not MC likes them, but their fate is ultimately the same.

  13. Juuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuunkooooooo

  14. This was the best book in the series, in my opinion. I really like it when the story focuses more on characters and relationships (now I even like the poet 0_0).
    I knew that this book would deal with heavy themes, so I kind of expected some uncomfortable/disgusting passages. I play a female ronin who is attracted to men, so that means I got to read scenes that put the ronin in reeeally uncomfortable/disgusting situations.
    While I don’t “excuse” Jun’s actions in those scenes (even if I like him as a character), I think I understand why they were written like that. Jun has a terrible past, and shows a lot of signs of it in the way he interacts with the ronin.
    I think what I’m trying to say is: the scenes that made people angry are probably supposed to evoke a strong reaction, and from my point of view… it (unfortunately) looks like a believable relationship between a man who was abused as a child and a woman he considers to be his property.
    With that in mind, I tried the romantic route with the abusive ex (I know -_-, but I wanted to see what everyone was talking about), and I was still disturbed by how the ronin was said to enjoy being used as a sex object… I tried to make choices that would lead to a healthy relationship, but I guess that’s either not possible with Jun, or very difficult to get.
    The passages with Toshio and Masashi were all heartbreaking. I miss my kid and the ninja!
    I had a great time revisiting old friends and ~guessing~ remembering some names!
    The new characters can’t compare to the old group we got to interact with for so long, but I did like them, Juni is my favorite!

    Also, I cry so much throughout these books, this one is the worst (in a good way)!
    What happened with Masashi and Jun… ouch! I hope we get a chance to save both of them eventually, but I’m more confident about being able to save the kid, of course.

    Thank you for this one and good luck writing the next book in the series!

  15. This has to be one of my favourite series in all of CoG/HoG. Thanks for taking the time to craft such a beautiful world. The emotional rollercoster that was Jun/ko was an amazing trip. I’m really looking forward to the next book and I wish you the best in your writing. Sincerely, a long time fan!

    • Ah, just one more question. Was the Jigoku inspired by Shiki’s Mystic Eyes of Death Perception in any way? I feel like they work really similarly, haha.

      • That was definitely the inspiration for the ‘lines of death’ feature of the Jigoku eyes! Tsukihime is great.

        • Haha, glad I managed to catch it, though I’m more of a Ryougi girl myself. Tsukihime is still great though.

  16. Wow this was incredible. It was heartbraking yet satisfying all the way through
    And while i dont want to spoil anything, the MC’s acceptance of himself at the end was nothing short of genius. I dont mean to rush but do you have any idea when book 5 will be done cause i already cant wait. Also is there an achievement guide yet?

    • Also i forgot to mention how i hated Junko earlier but you actually managed to write a believable romance in spite of how terrible she is. Kudos to you!

  17. Without spoilers or anything I just wanted to say that this book was amazing. I’ve been hooked since the first book and this one was better then the rest, and the rest were pretty damn good.
    Amazing. So emotional. Half the time I had tears in my eyes. Such an emotional roller-coaster.
    Thank you.
    Also my fem MC and Toshio is my only one true pairing ever.

    • Yes! Thank you for putting my thoughts into words.

      Another thing I thought was when Toshie confronted me, I really wanted to say I’m literally being forced choked with a string haha. But I really wish my Ronin would just distance himself as much as possible. Like i get it about the whole inderstanding and accepting thing with Jun/ko but we shouldn’t forget the horrible things Jun/ko did. And I believe had to answer for those crimes. Especially against the main party, like I feel like you can’t just brush that off.

      Still though, book 4 was really good and the writing had improved greatly. Especially with explaining scenes and environments. The author gives a good sense of what it’s like but doesn’t drag on the descriptions. I believe it’s a nice flow!

  18. Having now played Book 4, I fear this is where I may part ways with Hyuga. I enjoyed the ride for a long time, I’m still very fond of some of the characters (Hatch and Masami!), but this book didn’t work for me. I want to talk about why a little bit, in a hopefully constructive way. If that’s not of interest, then, uh…in all sincerity, best of luck to you in the future! I hope the writing always goes well!

    You can skip the rest!

    So…the thing is, my arc as the reader was entering Book 4 very much invested in *my* MC and exiting with mild curiosity about *the* MC of the series. There was mostly frustration in between those two points.

    I liked Fake Junko, though. Good character.

    Real Junko, I did not like so much. Nor could I hate, or love to hate her. I felt like I was supposed to feel conflicted, like the MC, but I was mostly frustrated and uncomfortable. Since there isn’t much point in digging into my personal feelings since they are, well, my personal feelings and I’m only one person, I’ll try not to do that too much. I do have a couple of specific, mechanical things I wanted to mention in the hopes that might be useful criticism. But if I may express my personal feelings a wee bit: given what I, the reader, knew about Junko going into this book, I did not like her or want much of anything to do with her. I felt like my MC would be of a similar opinion. The MC in this book was not. The options I chose to distance myself from Junko and her abusive, co-dependent toxicity seemed to only tug against the red thread of the narrative. Every time the MC thought that Junko was cute or charming, I thought about Junko threatening and hurting Masami or torturing and maiming Momoko. Or, for that matter, attempting to sexually assault the MC. When Junko joined Ichiro and the MC felt betrayed and that this couldn’t be what Junko wanted, I thought about…everything Junko had said and done up to that point which all had indicated that this was, in fact, exactly what she’d do in the circumstances. When the MC lamented forcing Junko to leave the dojo where she had been planting apple trees and perfecting her sword technique, I thought about the murderous rampage Junko had gone on in pursuit of the MC, and all the damage she had willingly, gleefully inflicted.

    There didn’t seem room in this story for an MC who would fully confront Junko on any of those things. Which all left me feeling like there wasn’t room for my MC in this story, who very much wanted to. And that ultimately meant that there wasn’t room in the story for me anymore. Which is, of course, not a sin. Not everything needs to be for me. But the confrontation I expected never arrived in the story and the warmth the MC felt for Junko was entirely alien to me. I didn’t feel it even in the flashbacks, of which I wish there had been more. I wanted to understand their connection better, and I will admit that I could understand why they were so close in the past. But I couldn’t understand their closeness in the present. I didn’t really feel that there was an option in this book for the MC to hate Junko at all. I wanted there to be.

    Oh, well. Moving on!

    I did like the concept of this book, with the MC running from their pain, returning to the comfort of the familiar even if it is as bleak as their sensei’s dojo. I didn’t quite feel like the singular focus on getting back the Jigoku made sense, though. And that’s because in the early volumes I always chose to reject using it as an option. My MC had overcome two demons without the Jigoku and seemed to want to leave it behind. I was surprised it was such a focus of the MC during the end of Book 3 and even more so that it was the driving force in Book 4. It didn’t jibe with the choices I’d made in earlier books. It’s a small thing, and might be nothing, but it contributed to pulling me out of the story. I do understand that the narrative is linear and that most of the decisions are about creating a personal touch, but it felt like not using the Jigoku in the previous books was a weighty decision and in this book, it felt like that decision hadn’t mattered at all.

    The other point I wanted to mention which I found quite frustrating was when Junko was killing Fake Junko’s samurai. I had a protective MC, and I’d promised to help Tamaki. In the next choice section my options were Kill Junko, Kill the man who I’d saved from drowning or Do Nothing. Killing someone I just saved? No. Doing nothing? That seemed a good way to ensure that the last two would die. Killing Junko made sense to me as a choice for my MC, even if I didn’t think that I would actually succeed. I lost Attunement, though, which told me that I’d made the wrong choice. Which…frustrated me. Because it was clearly the right choice to me, but it felt like the game system was rebuking me for making it. The ‘right’ decision was apparently to do nothing, and I think that’s wrong. I had respect for Fake Junko’s retainers. They were loyal, brave and trying to bring down a dangerous murderer who would absolutely kill again. Being told I was wrong for trying to help them, on top of watching them die in very bad ways, stung. And pulled me out of the story.

    I guess I’ll mention a third thing. Every time I had no option but to say something nice to Junko, it pulled me out of the story and further from the MC. Maybe even if there’d been an option to say nothing, that would’ve helped? As it was, I didn’t feel like my MC would want to say something like ‘thanks for everything’ or ‘sorry for leaving you’ at all. I didn’t have to, I guess, but even the most neutral options felt like things my MC wouldn’t say in those moments. In most choices in your stories, there was always something I was *delighted* to say. In this book, a few times, I didn’t want to pick anything at all.

    I think that’s it. I really did enjoy the first three books a lot, and I do feel a bit bad that I’m leaving negative feedback here. I do hope it’s in some way useful, because I didn’t want to just grumble at you. And while I feel done with this series right now, I’m not sure how I’ll feel by the time the next book comes out. I hope I can become attuned to my MC again some day. But for now, adieu!

    Thanks for writing. And for reading all this!

    • I feel the same way. It felt as if the Ronin (I played as a female) conveniently forgot how cruel Jun/ko (Jun in my play through) is and what he did to her and her companions. It felt like a plot hole. The scar on the Ronin’s stomach had only been brought up twice during my play through.

      As LostInTheVoid mentioned, you aren’t given the option to be neutral to Jun (aside from not having sex with him). It was frustrating and made me not want to pick anything.

      Book 4 is great if you like Jun/ko.

      I do have some thing that I liked.
      I like the twist with the main villain and his side kick. I wasn’t expecting it.
      I enjoyed seeing characters from the previous books!

      Sorry to piggy-back off of your review LostInTheVoid!

    • Thank you for saying this, Lost In The Void. Your post reflects exactly how I felt when I played. I wanted to love this book so badly. Ever since book 1 came out I wanted to romance Jun. But the way he was portrayed and the way the MC just accepts him with open arms regardless of the things he’s done was just too much of a disconnect for me. It wasn’t my MC anymore that I was reading, it was the MC that Devon wanted to portray. And that is completely fine as I’m sure that was his intention. Aside from the toxic relationship between the MC and Jun i really enjoyed the plot and am looking forward to future installments!

  19. Just finished book 4. I was so absorbed in the book that I spent 8 hours reading it straight :v. I love it how this story focus on exploring the character Jun and the past because in the previous book this character has piqued my interest. It’s impossible not to like him in this book.
    A shame that there wasn’t many chances for other characters to take the stage tho. The scene with Toshio nearly broke my heart in half and left me wondering my choices in life :D.
    Overall I really enjoyed this. It was worth waiting. Now I’m waiting for the save button and book 5!

  20. I also have to say that this book was absolutely awesome! I snorted it like a line of coke and now I need more lol.
    Gotta say, I was feeling just as conflicted as the MC during this entire book, which really really drew me in even more and I did come to like Jun… kinda. I used to think that he was a trash person and how dare he hurt Masashi, but after reading and thinking more about it I’ve come to the conclusion that MC and Jun are both trash people and deserve each other (this isn’t meant in a bad way lol, I love not reading about a goody two-shoes or having to play one for once and I just love how you dealt with the dark themes!)
    Anyway, been hooked since the first book released and I’ll be continuing to wait patiently for the next part, this has got to be one of my favourite series, not gonna lie! Keep up the good work!


    Could I have saved my dude Jun at the end or nah?

  21. Please don’t end the story of junko just like that also I really really love the samurai of hyuga
    Series very well made I loved it keep it up

  22. I love your work! Are you gonna make SoH 4 achivement guide soon? ;w;/

  23. Can i just say how amazing you have written the series and that each installment leaves me wanting and craving for more!!! I will admit that the ronin acted and felt helpless and had less agency but i couldn’t dislike the book because of it because it made sense after everything that happened and I just it takes alot of work to pull it off especially in a choice of game book where choices should be more branched out. But with that said please please please give us the chance to get our jun/ko back because I still really want to continue and help their path of redemption because it doesn’t feel like its finished but a stepping stone. Anyways, Thank you so much for the book! and im eagerly waiting for book 5!!!

  24. Leaving my comments here so I don’t have to face heat in forum 🙂

    I really believe author shouldn’t be bothered by hostile reception this game has received in forum, people are really missing the fact that SoH is very different form other CoG or HoG books.

    1. This is not CYOA game it is more like an evolved form of light novel, we have weak control over the MC and some of his interaction but we really don’t have a serious control over how MC thinks or behave. His past has already shaped the way he thinks and behave(And honestly this is a merit it gives SoH it’s unique charm). MC’s relation dynamics with junko and sensei were established way before the plot of Book 1. Author can only meaningfully give you control over MC’s relation dynamic with new characters. Junko is too involved with MC’s past to let reader shape MC’s views toward them.

    2. I don’t think people who criticizing the author for MC’s attitude toward Junko are analyzing the situation properly. How you interact with others depends on your past interaction with them. Other games give complete control over relation dynamic with another character because almost always MC never had any meaningful interaction with that character prior to game’s main story. While in this case MC has basically spent their childhood with Junko and Sensei, and a childhood which had profound effect on MC, which has left them deeply scarred (a major plot point is dealing with demons of past). You can steer MC toward a particular direction with Junko but this cannot nullify the already established character dynamic, it can only modify it.

    I appeal to author please pay no heed to people who are essentially not your core readers. The distinct nature of this work culturally (Too Intense, Mature for CoG audience and having themes more prevalent in Japanese works) , structurally(This work is basically a Light novel with serious control over character actions but not the plot implying a facet of life no other CoG covers: not everything is in your hands some actions you do and happen to you are decided by luck!(or Fate whichever vocabulary you prefer) and literarily(99% of CoG games are plot driven while this is heavily character driven) means it is “off puting” for a lot of people who are in core reader group of general CoG but are not in the core group for this game.

    Most of the forum users that are complaining now are not going to appreciate the direction in which the series is moving. Instead of pandering them please continue toward your work unfazed. The series in very unique and brilliant, if you change the control reader have over the plot for sequel you just going to destroy the uniqueness of this work.

    • I think there are a few things to be said in rebuttal here, but I promise to keep things room temperature! 🙂

      First, on the narrative. SoH is a series of interactive novels. The story is indeed linear, something that the player can’t affect. And the main character has a predefined history and a set of core beliefs and responses that mean they are a fleshed out character rather than the blank slate many other Choice of Games offer. But one of the strengths of SoH has always been the ability to *tailor* the MC’s reactions to things. The result of the MC’s response to a problem is going to work out the same no matter what, but by offering text adapted to the key traits of a particular player’s MC, the character feels more personal to the reader. That personal connection is one of the strengths of the series, and I think it’s the same personal connection that is causing people issues in Book 4. It certainly did for me. More on that in a bit.

      On the other issue, of Jun/ko’s character and the MC’s past relationship…you make a good point. Their past interactions, of which the reader knows only a small part, inevitably shape the dynamic between Jun/ko and the MC. But part of that history includes Jun/ko assaulting Masami and the MC themselves, and that’s a part that the reader is familiar with. The MC has very mixed feelings towards Jun/ko even in that exchange, but anger is certainly one of them. The undeniable physical attraction the MC feels toward Jun/ko is there too. Is it unreasonable for the reader to expect to have a choice to focus on their anger toward Jun/ko in Book 4, though, rather than the element of physical (or even romantic) attraction?

      I don’t think it is. And here’s why: Momoko.

      What I said about choices in this series above isn’t *quite* true. There are *some* choices which affect the narrative in small but, to the player, significant ways. The Romance Options. So, the player has no power to prevent Momoko from falling in love with the MC because that’s part of the larger story. It’s Momoko’s destiny to become the Silent Lady. But the player *can* choose how the MC responds to Momoko’s confession. The MC *can* fall in love with Momoko.

      And Jun/ko tortures her, cuts out her tongue and leaves her to bleed to death. (I’ll note: there is a very specific, cruel intent behind this act of mutilation. Jun/ko knows that the MC can’t read. If Momoko survives, she’ll be unable to share private communication with the MC at anything beyond a basic level. Which will make things like explaining the potential of a cure for the Jigoku as well as certain acts of physical and emotional intimacy extremely difficult. What Jun/ko does is not a product of pure rage, there is unmistakable calculation to it.)

      Now, how would the MC react to this news? And would that response vary? Might a drifter MC who had rejected Momoko forgive Jun/ko for this callous act, especially if that MC was in love with Jun/ko? I wouldn’t pick that option, but other players might. But if your MC was protective…and if they had fallen in love with Momoko…would they be able to forgive Jun/ko? Would they be able to shrug that story off and not want to rush to find out if Momoko had survived? I think, if Jun/ko had confessed or if the MC had otherwise learned of what Jun/ko had done, it would have been a breaking point for them. It might have represented a branching point for the narrative, too, because what Jun/ko does is horrific and I think that at the very least *certain types of MC* would do everything they could to punish Jun/ko. I think it’s absolutely something that players would expect to be able to make a choice about, don’t you?

      I think that’s one reason why that confrontation never happens in Book 4.

      And that creates an issue. The demands of the plot necessitate that the MC doesn’t learn about Momoko. But the *reader* knows. Jun/ko even makes a cruel joke about it, knowing that the MC won’t get it, and refers to Momoko a couple more times, never revealing the truth. The abortive Kabuki date the MC laughs about…would they still laugh, if they knew what Jun/ko had done to Momoko?

      We’re treated to the flashback in which Jun/ko’s cruelty and Momoko’s anguish and pain are explored. And Jun/ko never explains, never admits, never apologises, never truly atones. There is no catharsis for this horror for the reader in Book 4, and if the reader is not a fan of Jun/ko and *is* a fan of Momoko (to the point of romancing her!), then seeing this issue unresolved is deeply unsatisfying and makes it difficult if not impossible to sympathise with Jun/ko as a character.

      Which makes the moments where the MC *does* difficult to swallow. Similarly, when the player is given the option of whether to accept or reject Jun/ko’s advances, rejection doesn’t shut them down. Jun/ko *keeps pursuing the MC* no matter what. And while that fits their character, it does create an issue for how the MC relates to Jun/ko and for how the player relates to the MC. Which is to say: if the player chooses to reject Jun/ko, they might reasonably expect the MC to automatically reject Jun/ko’s later advances just as a protective MC would expect to get a protective text pop up at appropriate points in the narrative. That does happen to a *small* extent, but Jun/ko’s relentless pursuit of the MC doesn’t consistently produce the emotional response a player who chooses to reject Jun/ko might reasonably expect.

      Imagine, if you will, that your ex kept trying to get back together with you, and you said no, but they kept pursuing you anyway, forcing you into intimate situations, ignoring your wishes, demanding your attention and affection. No matter what feelings you once had for them, or might still have for them, such behaviour in the face of your clear and contrary wishes would build frustration, resentment, anger…right?

      But no matter how many times the MC rejects Jun/ko’s advances, the MC still refers to Jun/ko as cute and charming at certain points in the story. Even in the aftermath of a fight (the bath house scene, for example, where you can throw the soap at Jun/ko, slap Jun/ko and *still* the scene ends with Jun/ko falling asleep on the MC and the MC calling her cute.) No matter how much a player might choose options that show the MC chafing under the leash Jun/ko has put on them, the MC will have moments where they laugh with Jun/ko and go on a date with Jun/ko and do cute things with Jun/ko. Players who are experiencing frustration with this are feeling something legitimate, I think, because it feels like the options they are picking aren’t consistent with how the MC behaves. My experience of Book 4 was trying to resist Jun/ko at every turn, anticipating failure, but anticipating that the MC’s emotional state would consistently reflect my choices. Not because I don’t understand how the narrative and choices work in this series, but because what I have been trained to expect *by the systems in the series* did not apply to Jun/ko and the abusive, toxic, co-dependent relationship they share with the MC past and present.

      That, to me, is the issue: the narrative in the other books works no matter what you choose and no matter how you respond to the potential love interests. In this one, my choices felt entirely at odds with where the narrative was taking me, at least insofar as it applied to the relationship with Jun/ko.

      I’ll add one final thought: even if the MC is feeling real, positive feelings for Jun/ko and is willing to forgive Jun/ko for her sins, they do that on the basis of not knowing what happened to Momoko. I think it’s reasonable to assume that knowing about Momoko would change things. I think it’s reasonable to assume, given the flashback to Momoko and Jun/ko at the start of the book, that this despicable act of Jun/ko’s will be a fulcrum for a series shift their relationship at some point in Book 4. I think it’s entirely legitimate to be frustrated or disappointed that that confrontation never arrives. And I think that that particular emotional beat never being explored undermines whatever positive aspects emerge from Jun/ko and the MC’s developing bond in this book. To the bitter end (where Jun/ko does show growth of a sort, I admit), Jun/ko chooses to keep the MC in the dark. There is no honesty at the core of their relationship, so it fundamentally feels false to me in the final analysis. Even if I had wanted the MC and Jun/ko to work things out, they couldn’t without talking about Momoko.

      I apologise for the lengthy response, but Book 4 gave me a lot of Feelings and your comment helped crystallize some of them for me. For what it’s worth, it doesn’t appear to me that the author will be straying from the course they’ve set. And I do agree with you on this: that’s as it should be.

      Right. I’ll shut up at last! I hope you have a pleasant day, and that this comment hasn’t marred it!

    • I think Lost in the Void responded to this perfectly, but I’d like add my two cents. The problem lies in the fact that the author DID give us control over major parts of the story in the previous books, this including how we feel about Jun. The MC that some fans have created for the past 3 books has been completely tossed aside to steer us toward the MC the author wants us to be. It would have been fine if it was made clear from the very beginning that having affection for Jun was apart of the MC story regardless of choices, but it wasn’t.

      The games gave us a lot of opportunities to reject him, and that is an extremely important decision that we should be able to see through to the end unless we decide otherwise. So when we are forced to love/sympathize with Jun it comes off as out of character. We were given options to go against this narrative in previous installments but book 4 completely takes that away. You can imagine how frustrating that would be.

      The reason it’s receiving so much criticism is because the book creates a sudden disconnect for some fans by dismissing previous choices made in the game. We all love the series, that’s why both sides are so passionate about it. It’s just disappointing to have the illusion of choice and then be railroaded into a story/romance arc you strongly disagreed with.

      • PeachyxFixation, the Samurai of Hyuga series is among the most railroaded and linear games made in choicescript. This is by design, to bring players an interactive novel experience as opposed to an interactive game. Regardless of your choices, MC will end up (for example) liking Masami/Masashi even though they may be a brat, and being somewhat at odds with Toshie/Toshio and uncertain of where their true loyalties lie.

        The MC will consider Hatch as a true friend, and they’ll think back on Momoko fondly (either with love/lust or just out of appreciation for their love confession). And with Junko/Jun: MC will either resist or indulge in their advances, and regardless, they’re soften up to them and start to revert back to their (not exactly healthy) relationship. This makes especially a lot of sense when MC is separated from the rest of the gang and the world during the events of Book 4.

        I guess my point is that Book 4 really didn’t do anything to blindside any reader of the series. I think the few outspoken critics I have just happened to really dislike the character of Junko/Jun and were so self-inserted and engrossed into the game that when MC softened back up to them, they hated it. And I totally understand it. I don’t take anything negative away from their criticism whatsoever—only the positive that I got them so hooked they began to take everything so personally. That’s always a win for a writer!

        • I do agree that many parts of the story have been decided for us in the previous books, but I always felt that we had a say in who we wanted to romance. Readers are blindsided by this book because the MC has to be with Jun and break it off with all other romance options.

          For example, people who chose Momoko as their RO know what Jun did her but they still have to date and sympathize with her attacker. When there’s mention of her name the MC reacted in a way that doesn’t coincide with the romance route they chose to be in. Their MC would have been concerned and confront Jun about it, but instead it was swept under the rug.

          I’m not asking for the direction of the story to change. In fact, I’ve enjoyed the new major plots, dark themes, and intimate scenes in the story! I just wish that the MC’s feelings matched up with the choices we made in the previous games.

  25. I really love you work I just love The Samurai of hyuga masami and toshie ar my favourite characters I just have this one question will book 5 will twice as long the made? Thank you for making an amazing story.

  26. My heart is aching, but I loved every second of it. Thank you for such an amazing book :’)

  27. Just finished the COGs survey and you have my vote, Samurai of Hyuga is no doubt my favorite hosted game by far! After 2 years’ wait I binge read the 4th book twice in 1 week, and I’m not disappointed to say at least. Although there are still some minor errors in each chapters Japanese title, I can tell you know your fair share of Japanese/Samurai culture for there are many terms on different pieces of costumes I wonder whether everyone understands them without searching on google haha:)

    I like Jun/ko in the past installations already and I love him(or her) even more because of the new book, I understand there are frustrations about him being problematic and the second main character at the same time but he is a great character no matter what. He is complicated just as the mc is. Although I see comments complain about their mc not given a chance to rightfully hate Jun, I still think you’ve done an excellent job to make a crazy yandere ronin viable and lovable. For me I’m convinced an mc outright hate or just want to get rid of Jun is ooc due to the story flow. Let’s be honest, mc never hated his one and only childhood friend when they were alone in the mountain to the point they allow Jun the access to their body. It may change after Masashi/mi got hurt back in Jijinto but memory is a powerful thing from which no one can’t escape easily. To keep the continuity alive we players have no choice but to indulge mc on his mixed feelings for Jun. It’s a COYA game though it’s a fiction foremost.

    What bothers me most in fact is the mc’s dark secret from when he was an orphan. You’ve always depicted them as a normal(as in somewhat mentally stable) person in all the possible route, but I don’t believe a child who did what mc had done could lead a life without any mental illness(look at poor Jun). And he never seemed to be affected by his past and was never triggered by gruesome scenes(as to remind him of what happened). It almost looks like mc has his memory erased by the time he got adopted and only to remember everything in this book. I can’t get into the detail because of spoilers, though what sensei said when he first met mc really intrigued me. I’m just thinking out loud but could it be our mc is spiritually special in an evil way(like the way he gets to absorb demons after slaying them)? Cause rly I don’t want them to be a sociopath for no regular beings under no circumstance will do what they did even when they were little kid. If it is true then Gensai had done everyone a favor to separate mc from the mass of people though not without ulterior motive.

    Everything aside, as a fellow OTAKU(I know you are) I have to say I enjoyed yandere characters immensely so thank you for giving us an S tier yandere such as Jun/ko. I invested so much of myself that I literally curled up and cried after the first time finishing it. SO MUCH EMOTION I CAN’T REALLY, you know how to stab the readers with your plot twist. Shame that my friends aren’t used to read in English so for all these years I’ve only successfully recommended your work to one person. You are the best, keep up the great work and I have a haunch by the end of the serial it will be my all-time favorite of all COYA game.

  28. I’m kinda curious about the side chapter part. The app seems to released ten side chapter but I can see more coming out soon. Will the unreleased side chapter be placed it in the book 4 app?

    • There are no plans to releasing more side stories with Book 4. The newer stories will be available to patreon people + released as a bundle in the future with Book 5.

      • Thanks for clarifying me on it!! Keep up the good work!!

  29. When is book 5 coming out?

    • Haha not for awhile pal

  30. **possible spoilers**

    First I want to say this is literally the best choose your own path story I’ve ever read. Thank you so much for all the hard work and time you put into creating these books. I loved book 4 and literally everything about it (the end almost killed me though).It is an emotional rollercoaster to say the least, every emotion the MC was going through I went through as well and probably more.

    The story explores some dark aspects but I honestly prefered it, after all Hyuga is supposed to be a brutal place and I think that that same darkness allows the romance in this story to flourish while their facing of it allows the MC and Jun/ko to heal and wish for a brighter future (hopefully together). The MC and Jun/ko romance may not be for everyone but I personally think that it was heartbreakingly perfect. I honestly hope it’s possible for them to find happiness in the end together. I was truly and utterly emotionally invested in the entire story. I laughed, cried, got angry, felt betrayed, grieved, had my heart flutter, and felt protective of multiple characters all throughout the story. The ups and downs of this story and how everything tied perfectly and painfully together in the end left me desperate for the 5th book.

    I want to wish you the best of luck on the next book and like so many others look forward to reading the final results!

    P.s ***SPOILER*** I was wondering if deciding to have children will actually go anywhere or if that was just a declaration meant to deepen the significance and intensity of the relationship?

    P.p.s Again thank you for all your hard work!

    • Thank you for the kind words, Kait! Glad I was able to give you all the feels I set out to. As for the option about deciding to have children, I can’t go into it because of spoilers. Sorry!

      • That is perfectly fine! I should have added that I understand that you have to prevent spoilers! Thank you for the swift reply regardless. Again I wish you the best of luck on the series going forward!

  31. Hi! Sorry to bother you, but is there a glitch involving importing newer ronin saves? I finished the previous three books yesterday, and I’m not seeing any of those files showing up. My older saves pre-2019 are there, except for one from a Male ronin I made. I’m not sure what’s up, but I’ve been dying to play this game forever, so if you have any advice, I would be over the moon.

    • That’s definitely troubling. What platform are you playing on?

      • Thank you for getting back to me so quickly! I’m on an android, (Galaxy Note 8, soecifically). However, whatever it was is fixed! I couldn’t log in or import any saves for some reason, but I tried again, and poof, it worked! It might have been a server error or something, but it’s all good now!

        Also, I just finished the game and wanted to give you an ENORMOUSLY huge thank you! Your writing is always a such a treat, and this installment is no different! I can see why it’s so polarizing, but it was so amazing, I finished it in one go. I’ll definitely be buying the fifth book when it arrives!

        • Glad it all worked out in the end. And thanks for the kind words, I’m glad you enjoyed it!

          If you do get errors in the future (or if anyone whose reading this has errors with Book 4) I recommend sending an email to:

  32. What a bitter end, and here i thought i could become a father.

    • Yeah, exactly, even I didn’t want that ending

  33. I love this series and cannot wait for the rest of it. However, there is something that has been botheeing me. In my main playthrough, Ume-Ume doesn’t leave her home, so running into her, Yori and fam was an odd encounter for me. With them being referred to as refugees even though Ume-Ume still has a home, though gross as it was, has been bothering me. I’m sure enough time has passed where Yori and them could have gone back to Yamato or Ume could have already been on her way to visit them since the baby is still a newborn, but just the fact there isn’t even an off hand remark as to why Ume-Ume decided to leave Yamato just sticks with me in an odd way. Otherwise I really enjoyed this Book. Book 2 and 3 weren’t as good as the 1rst, with 3 actually being kinda hard, but the 4th one was really amazing. I love Jun and I really hope deciding to have his children actually results in a baby. My ronin, Usagi, would probably do anything to make sure she had it and find a way to bring Jun back so they could be the family she promised they’d be.

  34. Hi. I’m sorry if someone already asked this question but *POTENTIAL SPOILER* did Masashi/mi see red thread of fate at the end when ronin was getting out of hell?*POTENTIAL SPOILER*

    • While Masami/Masashi would be able to see the thread of fate (because they are a shugenja), she/he wasn’t really in any condition to. The kid’s predicament is only hinted at during the end of Book 4, and will be elaborated on in the next book!

      • I see, thank you for replying to my question.
        I wanted to say that SoH was a really pleasant surprise; out of all CoG that I have ever read (and I read like 80% of all of them) it became my favorite almost instantaneously.
        I wanted to say thank you for writing this fantastic and memorable adventure that I will have a lot of fun replaying for years to come.
        I wish you all the health (both mental and physical), all the inspiration and luck you want and need, not only to finish this series but also in general.
        Have a good day!

        P.s.: when I read about Tosh and gun I thought of that one meme ‘I won’t hesitate, b*tch!’

  35. Great story♥️
    I keep reading it from book 1 until book 4 and wow…this story really shook my hearts
    I love how the character grow, especially with Jun. he become a better man but the ending wah…especially when I’m reading it while listening to Unravel song (T_T)
    I really hope MC can save Jun and become together again (T_T)
    I experienced various emotion when reading this book..Happiness, sadness,
    Thankyou very much for your hardwork !!♥️ I really love it♥️♥️ especially with Jun character
    Anyway I will be waiting for the ‘book’ 5

    And once again, Thankyou very much !♥️♥️♥️♥️, and I’m sorry with my words or Grammar

  36. I loooove the game its the best!PLS DONT KILL JUNKO!my mc will missed her soooo:(

  37. In book three, Toshio and MC scene at the beach, i wonder how did Toshio knew about MC and Momoko?, he even knew if we slept with her or not, was he spying on MC or something?? before he admitted his feelings to MC shouldn’t he be jealous of Momoko? Feeling upset or angry if MC slept with her?, honestly his reaction was so confusing, the man still a mystery to me, in book 4 he wanted MC to leave Jun but in book 3 he seems fine with MC and Momoko being together, i was thinking about that a lot as i reread book three, also i should say book 4 is soooo impressive, and i love the way Jun seems fragile and soft toward MC, book four felt so real and full of emotions, the way MC transformed from tough ronin to fragile child before Jun, it was so cute ❤️❤️

    • Glad you’re enjoying the series!

      Regarding Toshie/Toshio, it’s important to keep in mind that she/he is very anti-Junko/Jun, especially in regards to their relationship with MC. After Junko/Jun held Masami/Masashi hostage and carved their name in MC, Tosh has been determined to distance MC from their crazed ronin ex-lover throughout the events of Book 2, 3 and 4.

      In Book 2, Tosh encouraged MC to have a relationship with Momoko on the chance it may help MC move on. In Book 3, Tosh withheld knowledge of Junko/Jun’s existence when MC forgot about them (and the Jigoku). In Book 4, Tosh tried to rescue MC at the masquerade ball (and we all know how that turned out)! Hope that sheds some light on the mysterious ninja.

      As for how Tosh knew whether or not MC and Momoko slept together, well…that’s a shinobi secret!

      • I think i need some time to understand him, in upcoming books, hope to see more of his romance too, I’m still craving for it ❤️.

  38. Wolves by Selena gomez REALLY reminds me of Jun/Junko

  39. Take my money and let me and my Junko live in peace T-T

  40. Will we see more of and possibly interact with Hatch and Kohaku in Book 5?

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