SoH 3 Achievement Guide

The third book in the series is certainly the toughest, with all manner of observations to make and clues to deduce. Like in the previous books, it’s impossible to get every achievement during a single play-through. Warning: spoilers ahead!

For those interested in perfecting tests or how to save Daisuke/Keiko in the final chapters, scroll to the bottom of this article. I will provide a detailed description of the point system used. Unfortunately the other student, Ige, cannot be saved.

*Note: Text Input Mode must be selected for text input achievements.

No Rest for Ronin
At the start of the game, load in a character from Book 2.

Dead Chef Deduction
In chapter 1, during the investigation sequence:
    For the blood clue, suggest that the victim was on his back.
    For the helmet clue, suggest that the projection was on the ceiling.
    For the rope clue, suggest that Daisuke/Keiko could tie the knot.
    For the symbols clue, suggest the bloody index fingers are suspicious.
    For the bruises clue, suggest that his knuckles not being bruised is suspicious.

Dead Chef Observation*
In chapter 1, during the investigation sequence, type in ‘blood’, ‘helmet’, ‘rope’, ‘symbols’, and ‘bruises’.

Some Assistance Required*
In chapter 1 or 2, during the investigation sequence, type in ‘help’.

Immaculate Interrogation*
In chapter 2, during the investigation sequence, type in ‘knife’, ‘rope’, and ‘bowl’.

Hemlock Gambit
In chapter 2, as a Drifter ronin, ask Masami/Masashi to taste the soup.

Defense Attorney
In chapter 2, during the investigation sequence suggest that Hatch beat the chef up. Then, to explain why Hatch didn’t want the chef dead, suggest that he wouldn’t have tied him up otherwise.

On the Hunt
In chapter 3, during the Borgia chase sequence:
    Drifter ronin should wish Toshie/Toshio good luck. Protective ronin should warn against any acrobatics.
    When searching Borgia’s pockets, suggest that the most important item is a piece of parchment.
    When searching Borgia’s office, suggest that the bookshelf will help you find him.

Break A Leg
In chapter 3, tell Toshie/Toshio to break Borgia’s leg.

The Butler…
In chapter 3, during the Borgia interrogation sequence:
    Ask Borgia if he is familiar with hemlock.
    Suggest that Borgia wouldn’t have left Sadao’s body in plain sight.
    Recall that a message was traded for a barrel of gunpowder.

Dance on the Docks
In chapter 4, during the fight with Sadao at the pier:
    For Charming ronin, use the Baron’s Bluff technique. Stoic ronin should use the Kabuki Killer.
    Next, Impulsive ronin should move forward while Finesse ronin should knock his blade away. Brutal ronin should endure it, and Calculated ronin should move backward.

Hope for the Hopeless
In chapter 4, let Sadao leave on the raft.

Just You and Me, Kid
In chapter 4, kill Sadao and tell Masami/Masashi that you would leave both your companions if it meant saving her/him.

Marital Matters
In chapter 4, when you enter the chef’s room, claim that Sakiko is Toshiaki Mukai’s wife.

Ring Bearer
In chapter 5, during the trial sequence, use the ring at every opportunity.

In chapter 5, during the trial sequence, the order of those involved are: Borgia, Hatch, then the killer.

In chapter 6, claim that the incorrect assumption is that the helmet worked as intended.

In chapter 6, admit that you truly are helpless.

Details, Details*
In chapter 6, write ‘face’.

The Ronin’s Oath
In chapter 7, take Hatch with you and say that Masami/Masashi brought in the city guard/warrior monks.

Untested Technique
In chapter 7, if you used Kabuki Killer earlier against Sadao, use Baron’s Bluff. Otherwise use Kabuki Killer.

Spiritual Proficiency
In chapter 7, if your spirit armor is “lightweight”, try to dodge and keep distance. Otherwise keep close.
    Lightweight spirit armor: Barn Swallow, Snow Monkey, Firefly, Wild Boar, Striped Snake.
    Heavyweight spirit armor: Alligator, Akita Inu, Giant Salamander, Spider Crab, Chipmunk.

Skinny Dipping
In chapter 8, strip down by the river.

Sibling Rivalry
In chapter 9, tell Masami/Masashi that you could be an older brother/sister.

Close Enough
In chapter 9, as an Impulsive ronin, try to write the symbol.

Thinking of…You?
In chapter 9, during the waterfall sequence, think of Daisuke/Keiko.

Deep Tissue
In chapter 10, tell Toshie/Toshio to give you a forceful massage.

A Tall Tale
In chapter 10, ask Borgia if the village will believe the story about him saving your life.

Duel at Sunrise
In chapter 12, during the duel against General Shatao:
    If you dropped your katana, an Impulsive ronin should pick it back up. Calculated ronin shouldn’t move.
    If you unsheathed your katana, move to the right.

Raging Bull
In chapter 13, during the duel against Nishi, a Finesse ronin should duck out of the way. Brutal ronin should take it.

Seeds of Jealousy
In chapter 14, ask Hatch how him and Kuni-chan are getting along.

Burn Victim
In chapter 15, stop Hatch from using the sickle. Then tell the bald samurai to touch Kuniko and see what happens.

The Perfect Gift
In chapter 16, when looting the corpses: get Hatch a katana, Nishi a club, and Daisuke/Keiko a spear.

Who Casts the First Stone
In chapter 16, throw the stone at the samurai.

Need to Know
In chapter 17, ask Kohaku to read something for you.

In chapter 18, if you told the class to focus on striking, ask Ige how his hands feel. Otherwise, ask about his feet.

In chapter 18, teach Ige how to kill. Then admit to yourself that it has to be done.

Hometown Hero
In chapter 19, during the village celebration, tell the village they better fill the barn with rice for your victory party. Then mention that since the paint looks permanent, you better live up to the name.

Last-Minute Lecture
In chapter 20, if you told the class to focus on striking earlier, worry about the team’s defense. Otherwise, worry about their offense.

What We Trained For
In chapter 20, if you told the class to focus on striking earlier, tell Hatch, Ige and Kohaku to chop the enemy’s weapons apart. Otherwise, tell Nishi and Daisuke/Keiko to surround them.

In chapter 21, claim that Hatch’s spirit animal is a horse.

In chapter 22, the correct formation is: Daisuke/Keiko, you, Hatch, Ige, Kohaku, Nishi.

Test #1
In chapter 22, get a perfect score for Daisuke/Keiko. (see section below)
Test #2
In chapter 22, get a perfect score for Nishi. (see section below)
Test #3
In chapter 22, get a perfect score for Kohaku. (see section below)
Test #4
In chapter 22, get a perfect score for Ige. (see section below)
Test #5
In chapter 22, get a perfect score for Hatch. (see section below)
Four Out of Five
In chapter 23, save Daisuke/Keiko. (see section below)

The Past
You can’t run from it any longer! Congratulations on finishing the game!

Perfect Tests and Saving Daisuke/Keiko

To save Daisuke/Keiko:
You must get a perfect score with Ige.
If you successfully taught Ige how to kill, you must get a pass or perfect score for Daisuke/Keiko. Otherwise, you must get a perfect score for Daisuke/Keiko.

Daisuke/Keiko Perfect Test
You must do 4/5 of the following:
    Choose a spear for him/her when looting the corpses
    During training at the dojo, help him/her.
    Select him/her as the one who can get a quick hit in during the farmer fight.
    Complete the What We Trained For achievement. (see above)
    Instruct him/her to stab at anything.

Nishi Perfect Test
You must do 3/4 of the following:
    Complete the Raging Bull achievement. (see above)
    Choose a club for her when looting the corpses
    When forming up pairs at the dojo, pair against her.
    During training at the dojo, help her.

Kohaku Perfect Test
You must do 3/4 of the following:
    When forming up pairs at the dojo, pair against her/him.
    After Kohaku and Toshie/Toshio clash, do not slap or hurt her/him.
    When battling the farmers, nod at Hatch to kill.
    Complete the What We Trained For achievement. (see above)

Ige Perfect Test
You must do 4/4 of the following:
    During training at the dojo, help him.
    Complete the Blisters achievement. (see above)
    During the farmer battle:
        If you taught him how to live, tell Ige to hold his ground.
        If you taught him how to kill (unsuccessfully), tell Ige to stay back.
        If you taught him how to kill (successfully), tell Ige to stop being weak!
    Against the crazed farmer, instruct Ige to run with his katana ahead of him.

Hatch Perfect Test
You must do 4/4 of the following:
    Choose a katana for him when looting the corpses.
    Teach Ige how to live or teach Ige how to kill (successfully).
    When battling the farmers, nod at Hatch to kill.
    After the farmer battle, claim that Hatch is in the most self-imposed danger.


  1. Thank you!!

  2. Wow thank u that was amazing and detailed. You should try doing a walk-through. I already know that this felt like a walk-through. But u could write down the correct choices you made

  3. Does ige always die

    • Despite many attempts, I couldn’,t save him. Maybe there’s a way, but after all these tries I doubt it.

      Plus considering the ending it would need either a totally deifferent one, or would feel very very weird :p

    • There’s no spoiler here so I apologize in advance to those who accidentally see my comment here. To answer your question, you can’t save him no matter what.

  4. How to activate Jigoku during last chapter?

    • You can’t activate Jigoku in the end.

  5. I loved the way book 3 ended…., but the ending implies that the ronin is going to attempt to regain the forbidden technique? Right?

    So does this mean i have to eat people in the next book? Cool.

  6. What about the last mind test when surrounded by samurai?
    I haven’t solved it.

    • In the last battle against the samurai, for the last text-input option, there is no correct answer. This helps drive home the point that you can’t “think” your way out of this one!

      • Aw… but Tosh had so much faith in our mind 🙁 so sad.
        Speaking of Tosh, I’m amusing there’s no way to “finish”

      • Thank you!

  7. Any way to use the forbidden technique while in game anywhere….

    • 1 year and some later but if i remember right by hearsay someone said that you need low attunment

    • I believe low attunement was requiered pr s0

  8. The achievement ‘Close Enough’, I think is wrong, when I tried to do the opposite, i.e. show her the symbol that told me I failed the Impulsive check, so you might have written it down wrong.

    • To get the Close Enough achievement, you have to fail a Calculated Test in chapter 9. Impulsive ronin should select the [Write the symbol] option to get this.

      • No, writing the symbol is a calculated move which allows you to pass the test. (I’m a calculated ronin my self.)

        Impulsive should show the symbol instead of writing it.

        If you need me to break down the logic then here it is:

        You want to know what the symbol on your belly says, but everyone refuses to tell you. (They probably think they are protecting you or something.)

        So if others won’t tell you what it says, your only option is to read it your self. Just one problem… Your illiterate.

        So, the whole point of taking the reading lesson was so that you could learn to read the symbol on your belly.

        Unfortunately, Masami / Masashi is having you start with the basics. You, being the impatient ronin you are, have no intention of sitting through lesson after lesson until you can read the symbol. That would be more truble than reading the symbol is worth.

        Which brings us to the previously mentioned choice.

        1. Write the symbol

        2. Show the symbol

        As mentioned before, you want to read the symbol, but everyone refuses to tell you what it says. They all are stubbornly hiding it from you. So,

        Option 1.
        The reason this one is CALCULATED is because by writing the symbol, your true intentions are less obvious. Furthermore, masami / masashi is more likely to get caught up in the moment and blurt out the meaning of the symbol.

        Option 2.
        The reason this one is IMPULSIVE is because your making your true intentions blatantly obvious, and undermining the purpose of using a reading lesson to try and trick masami / masashi into revealing the meaning of the symbol. Pluss, since everyone is hiding the meaning of the symbol from you, you are basically forfeiting your last chance at finding out the meaning of the symbol.

        I’m not good at using text to support my claims, but
        if you ask whos sword it is after trying to cut the grass, masami refuses to tell you.
        And somewhere in the text around there you have a part about asking Hatch and he avoids the topic, which the mc notes as unusual and even mentions that hatch is straight forward to a point where he’s incapable of lying.
        Those are just 2 examples of people hiding the meaning of the symbol, hense why you needed the elaborate reading lesson plan to trick masami / masashi into revealing the meaning of the symbol

        • Only Impulsive ronin are able to fail Calculated tests. This particular achievement can only be reached by Impulsive ronin.

          Your logic is correct: Calculated ronin should write the symbol to gain attunement while Impulsive ronin should show the symbol to gain attunement. And this is exactly how it works in the game.

          But for this particular achievement, you have to do the WRONG thing. For “Close Enough”, an Impulsive ronin has to write a terrible interpretation of what their symbol is. While this may not be in-line with your character stats, it creates a funny moment that I wanted to reward players with an achievement for.

          I hope that clarifies things!

  9. What do I type in for the mind option when fighting Goro?

    • There is no correct input when fighting against Goro. This was done to help drive a sense of helplessness to the player. You will however, get unique responses if you input ‘mind’, ‘spirit’, ‘body’, ‘attack’, ‘jigoku’, or ‘help’.

      • You also get a unique response for typing “Junko” or “Jun” presumable (I’ve only ever been a male ronin).

  10. This question is pretty spoilery, so, apologies in advance to anyone browsing through here for help and sees this question. Is there any way to stop Ige’s hand from getting cut off? Or is that one of those things that happens no matter what I do?

    • No need to worry about spoilers here. In the article above, I’ve stated that Ige cannot be saved. His head always gets chopped off. This prompts the main character to abandon the group and provides a great setup for Book 4.

  11. Loved S.O.H ever since book 1 and book 2 was a tad bit complicated with all the mystery and foreigner but book 3 was awesome ! Would there ever be a romance masashi route in book 4 cause I really love the way the character is written and portrayed and it would really be like a “finally!” moment if there is 🙂
    Loving the toshio romance route too so far too but Marathi is the one that tugs at my heart strings 🙂 Keep up the good work author !

    • Glad you’re enjoying the series! There won’t be much of Masami/Masashi interaction with the MC in Book 4, as it focuses mainly on MC’s past and Junko/Jun. I think it’s important to understand your past before moving on to your future (which a certain shugenja represents)!

  12. Alright, random question, please don’t judge. So, Masami/Masashi, they are obviously interested in the Ronin, but throughout the whole book, they are called “kid” and such, and use terms such as ‘baka’, a childish name to call someone an idiot or stupid. Basically, I was wondering about the age range of the kid, I assume between 12-18 or older, though I know this would be legal in modern day Japan, but not in America. So, without specifics necessary, is there a best guess scenario of the age without the FBI busting down the door?

    • This random question is a very common one among fans! Masami/Masashi’s age has not been specified, but since she/he is depicted as younger there will be no intimate scenes without a timeskip. As for her/his exact age, I’ll leave that up to each reader until/if it is necessary for me to give them an exact age in the story.

      Hope that helps keep the FBI away!

      • need help how pick dieing farmer like hatch .ige . nishi . daisuke or kohaku

        • The only characters that die in Book 3 are Ige and Daisuke. Daisuke’s death can be prevented, however. The steps to do so are in this blog post.

  13. Is kohaku going to be a romance option in the 5th book? I felt bad after the ending of book 3.

  14. Haah… After reading the various posts about writing, I’ve been re-reading the entirety of SoH (yes, I’m a bit antsy right now and rereading what’s already out helps me in waiting for book 5), and I’ve just finished book 3.

    Obviously not my first time reading it, but it was my first time reading it while having an ongoing romance.
    In my original playthrough I’m aiming for Masashi, meaning nothing would happen before a long time goes by, in my second one for Jun, meaning up until this point it was mostly in the ronin’s thoughts, and in this third playthrough well… Yeah, went for Toshio. I didn’t think the ending of book 3 could be any worse than it was the first time I’ve played it… I was sooo wrong… It was so heartbreaking… I mean, I should have expected it, but… Let’s say up until this point, I didn’t have a lot of romantic content in the series, aside from Jun but he’s crazy so yeah… Having this budding romance and then that ending… it hurt… so much.

    I’m now going to cry in a corner before heading back to book 4, though I guess having an ongoing romance won’t change as many things in this one.

    Strangely, I kind of share the feelings of the previous commenter, on this very page. When I first played book 3, I liked sweet Kohaku, but I rather favored Daisuke and Ige when focusing on someone. This time, while I kept selecting them when the best ending was at stake, I focused more on Kohaku for the “unimportant” choices, and I got really attached to him. Well, already was, but even more.
    No, I’m not asking you if he’ll be a romance option because I don’t want spoilers and I’m sure you don’t want to reveal anything either. Rather than that, I felt like sharing my feelings – it’s interesting how affection towards a character may grow with time, and with getting just one or two additional scenes with them.
    But yeah, I agree with that other commenter, I feel bad after book 3, and I feel like he’d deserve some love after all he’s been through.

    On a side note, I also felt way more attached to Sadao this time. And that, I can’t really explain since I did everything related to him the same way as always, in both books he appears in. I can’t help but feel horrible about him – what he did is awful, and what happened to him too. I would have loved if he had a chance for redemption – true redemption. But at the same time, I guess his death had some form of karmic poetry to it. You’re good at writing stuff like that!

    Talking about Kohaku made me think about an interesting fact – a lot of CoG/HG titles focus a lot on romance, and I like it a lot, but I really enjoy the fact romance is ever so present in SoH, yet at the same time… well, we don’t even really know who are the “actual love interests” – as in, LIs you can get an actual romance and good ending with. I would assume Masashi and Toshio are, but aside from them, with Jun being what he is and with the latest cliff hanger, it’s hard to tell. Same goes for Momoko (even if it wouldn’t be possible for my ronin either way, having no interest in women). Then there’s Kohaku who’s a mystery, being non gender-locked but at the same time seeming less important…
    I don’t really know where I’m going with it – I guess I’m simply enjoying that bit of mystery!

    • Thanks for the lengthy and introspective comment, Konoi!

      A lot of CoG/HG titles don’t really take time on their LIs–readers want the juicy romance scenes right away, and authors either cave in or just cram the scenes in because it would take books and books otherwise.

      Though I can safely say romance is the focus of my most passionate readers, it’s not my focus. SoH is a story with romance elements, it’s not a romance story. While “cater” is a strong word, it’s because I don’t cater to this passionate group as much as other choicescript writers might that you’ll get nuances in SoH you aren’t likely to find elsewhere.

      Glad you’re enjoying the re-reads!

  15. Hi,sorry for the spoilers.

    I find myself stuck in the trial of chap 6,where it doesn´t matter what I do,I can´t get to be given other choice than the hopeless,and I would like some help there,because I´ve really tried a lot of things and none seems to work.

    • The kitsune is a very tricky demon! Just because it said you got an ending/game over, doesn’t mean you did. Continue playing once you reach this part and you’ll see what I mean!

  16. I am so not okay with this

    Don’t get me wrong the story is amazing, it’s just my heart feels like its getting ripped apart-

    You’re such a good author, every line sounded and looked smooth and the descriptions are just enough to get a picture of the place, but not over exaggerate.
    Their personalities are what shines most. They’re all different people and you keep it that way. The hardest part when writing for me is definitely making sure their personalities don’t blend together, because I’m just one person, it’d difficult to try and figure out what someone else would do, given their personality.

    This is what makes the pains worse- I love all of the characters and even if I played through everything 3 times already, it just hits different. I’m not one to re read what I already know, but i find myself re reading every chapter of every book.

    I just finished book 3 again, i can definitely feel what our robin is going through, I once felt that way before, though it had nothing to do with someone else dying, I still felt that numbness and it was scary. You portrayed the guilt well, and after knowing what comes ahead the foreshadowing is much more obvious, which makes sense, it’s called foreshadowing for a reason so this is not criticism.

    I don’t tend to write so much about someone’s writing, I’m actually horrible at it but I’m just so emotional after the third book (where I romanced Tosh) and its all coming out of me, y heart got ripped out and now I can’t stop crying, especially when I think about the part where Tosh would come back after us in book 4

    Can’t wait for book 5…

    You know, these stories really aren’t my style, I’d prefer lighter ones myself but I can’t help but fall in love with this series…
    Bravo for making me and many other people cry their hearts out because this story is heartbreakingly good.

    You don’t understand(you probably do but this is for dramatic effect), I was crushed before at the ending of book 3, but now it feels like I got trampled over by a flock of swans after Tosh said that last part *cires*
    Swans can hurt a lot…

    • Glad you’re enjoying the series so much, and thanks for such an emotional (and lengthy) reply!

      • Actually wait, I’m wondering, I know the black smoke after the oni’s die did something, the one the kitsune gave us was probably to forget, but what did the others do…?
        It might be revealed later though so I don’t mind if you want to keep it secret
        Or I’m just an idiot lol

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